Sub Plans - 1.12.2024

3B Honors

Good morning, all. My apologies for not being able to be with you today. Our class time today will be dedicated to finishing the research project we started last class. I've attached a link to the assignment on Classroom, which is where you will need to submit your project materials before our next class begins. Please be prepared to present on Tuesday, January 16. Groups who are not prepared to present then will automatically lose 20 points.

As it says in the Classroom post, don't worry about assembling the bibliography right now. Make sure you have collected the links for all of your information and that you know which information comes from which source. We will worry about the actual bibliography part later.

4B College Prep

Good afternoon, everyone. My apologies for not being able to be with you today. What we are doing is actually pretty straightforward, but it is a little different than what we usually do. Here's the deal:

Posted on Classroom under the assignment "Monster Connection Questions" is a list of questions that relate to some of the concepts and experiences we're seeing in Monster. The questions, however, are not about the book, but about you and your life. During our class time today, you will write 1,000 words total in response to as many of the questions as you would like.

That means if you choose to answer one of the questions, your response to that question will be 1,000 words long. If you choose to answer four of the questions, your response to each one will be approximately 250 words long (or some other combination that results in 1,000 words total).

You do not need to mention the book at all in your response, and you do not need any text evidence. These questions are literally just about you and are a way for me to get to know you better while also helping us connect with what we're seeing in the story.

Additionally, please write your answers in your natural voice. That means you do not need to speak formally or structure your answers in any specific way. Treat it as though you are answering in a conversation instead of in a formal written assignment.

Please submit your answers in the Google Doc to the assignment posted on Classroom (linked below).

Your work is due, submitted on CLASSROOM by the start of our next class.

Last updated