Sub Plans - 3.15.2024

Activities for English 1 classes on March 15, 2024

For our work today, you are welcome to work alone or in partners. Everyone still has to write and submit all of the things, but in my experience, students understand these devices better when they get a chance to discuss them as they're learning them.

First: Notes on Sound Devices

1. Grab a sheet of paper, and set it up with nine of these boxes:

2. Go this this site:

3. For each sound device listed on the site:

  1. Listen to the song example provided. (Click on the little triangle "play" button to start the audio).

  2. Write down the definition IN YOUR OWN WORDS

    • If you copy the definition, you will not receive credit. Rephrase it so that I can see that you understand what it means.

  3. Write down either the example given on the site OR your own example (can be made up or can be from a song or poem that you know)

  4. Draw a little doodle to help you remember what the device is

    • Don't worry about the quality of your doodles or whether or not they make sense to me. If I asked you how the doodle connects, you should be able to give me an explanation, but ultimately the doodle is to help you remember, so it's more important that you get it than that I get it.

  5. Summarize any notes written in the notes box for that device.

This should be finished by the end of class today. Upload your notes to Spaces when you are done.

Then: Find A Song with Examples of All of Them

  1. After you finish with your notes, find a song or poem (ideally one that you like) that contains the all of the following sound devices.

    • Devices:

      • Slant rhyme (blue)

      • End rhyme (green)

      • Internal rhyme (pink)

      • Assonance (orange)

      • Consonance (purple)

      • Alliteration (yellow)

    • The song should be reasonably school appropriate (as long as you bleep all the inappropriate s**t out with asterisks, you should be fine).

  2. Copy and paste your song into a Google Doc and start highlighting using the colors above to indicate where each sound device is happening.

If you don't finish this part in class, finish for homework. Upload to Spaces when you are done.

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